yeonchu 연츄护肤店角色扮演

asmr舔耳助眠网 2020-7-25 1049

00:01 Telephone Reservation

01:09 Arrived at the skin care shop, consultation on skin care
(01:40 Sterilizing Cell Phones/01:58 Receiving and completing the questionnaire)

08:40 Start skin care

09:20 Put on a headband

10:13 Removing Makeup (I, Skin)
(11:40 Cleansing by Bubbling)

Raise the steam towel at 13:30

14:20 Tools for extruding acne, simple disinfection of the acne extrusion area

15:20 Introduce tools to extrude acne

15:55 Punching holes in acne

18:35 Start of acne extrusion

26:00 A honey pack that soothes the skin

28:22 Rose quartz sphincter massage

29:44 Wipe Pack

30:35 Skincare

ASMR 상쾌하고 나른한 피부관리샵에 관리받으러 오세요♡│뽁!뽁! 여드름 압출/진정팩/꼼꼼한 스킨케어 롤플레이 Skin care shop roleplay

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